Thursday, April 22, 2010

In URGENT need of ideas for pranks!!!!

Today I come to you in desperate need for ideas to do a good prank!!! Turns out "the guys" at Univision have nothing better to do lately than to pull prank on us lovely ladies. The picture I have here is when they sacrificed my poor lunch box last night. That is the lunch box that holds the Nutella that I so nicely give to them everyweek, poor thing.
And then, there is tonight...tonight the lovely guys moved all of our cars to the farthest darkest creepiest place in the parking lot. I swear I was about to cry when I thought my car got stolen, but then I saw the concerned look on the producer's face and selfishly I thought: "Shit, at least it wasn't only my car." hahaha
Anywhooos...back to me asking for advice. I need you guys to give me ideas on how I can get these guys back! Now, they are very smart and sneaky, I mean, they took our keys, moved our cars, came back and all while we thought they were "working". So let me know of your best ideas, we gotta get em goooood!!

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