Five minutes into my 45 minute commute to UCF, I reach for a napkin in my glove compartment and "Squeaak"!! A kleenex "fiesta" catches my eyes first and then I see small bulging eyes staring at me and little whiskers, Mickey Mouse's cousin (kinda looks like the one in the picture) is cruising with me in my car!!
Ironically the tissue box that the mouse was in (shown above) is Mickey Mouse themed. lol I immediately call my mom to fix this "Situation". Once I get home she comes out with gloves and a "plumero", I mean really?? Is she dusting off the mouse?? haha She looked through the whole glove compartment taking everything out while I stood trembling 10 Ft away attempting to eat my now cold oatmeal. There was nothing there!! That little rascal was gone the same way it came in which it is still a mystery.
I spent the whole day "googling" how mice can get in your car, turns out there are PLENTY of ways, and this is most common during the cold temperatures. I guess that Kleenex box made him feel right at home.
Currently I drive with one eye on the road and the other scanning the passenger side. I even have the air vents closed in case "my friend" decides to pop out and say hi!
P.S.- I decided to exclude the part of me crying hysterically and making my mom feel guilty for putting my life at risk behind a wheel with whiskers!!!
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